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Buy and sell digital currency

How we helped Coinbase make Bitcoin simple
Design, Development and Prototyping
Web and Mobile
UX and Development

The Brief

Bitcoin and the technology behind it are on the rise around the world. While interest is rapidly growing, many don’t have a clear sense of what blockchain and Bitcoin actually is - to say nothing of how one can actually participate.

Misinformation runs rampant and most of the supporting services like wallets and exchanges are caught up in the stodgy design of finance: establishing trust, but looking ancient.
Wireframe exploration

For everyone

Enter Coinbase whose goal is to open digital currency up for anyone to buy through an online wallet and comprehensive merchant services.

In an effort to provide a clear and engaging introduction to both Bitcoin and Coinbase, they approached our team to design & build their marketing site.
Coinbase is the world's most popular way to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Finding the right words

Our primary challenge was to explain a new and unconventional technology in a way that was universally understandable. This meant focusing heavily on the value and convenience of Bitcoin while dropping the technical jargon that often leaves services like Coinbase scaring away new adopters.
Screenshots of Coinbase sitesScreenshots of Coinbase sitesScreenshots of Coinbase sites
Screenshots of Coinbase sitesScreenshots of Coinbase sitesScreenshots of Coinbase sites
Design iteration

Ready to outshine the competition

With our team focusing on clear type, copy, and a modern design, we created a simple and striking website to make the mysterious world of Bitcoin clear and accessible. Coinbase has since become the most popular Bitcoin wallet and exchange in the world.
Screenshot of Coinbase site
Final marketing homepage
Metalab has one of the best interface design teams in the world. Their work has the power to change your business.
Brian Armstrong
CEO, Coinbase